Role: AD/CD
May, 2023
M&M Food Market's campaign 'There's No Restaurant Like Home' redefines at-home dining, showcasing the creative potential of their frozen and prepared foods for Millennials seeking impromptu, informal meals.
As the original home of online content, YouTube needed a way to speak to the general public about how Bill C-11 would affect their feeds, as well as the livelihoods of Canadian creators. More here: Google Blog
I wanted to explore the Outpainting feature in the DALL·E 2 beta, and Eames's Powers of Ten popped into my mind. All 57 images were created using a text-to-image model to outpaint around the previous image and combined in After Effects. Later on became part of a Collab with Kelli Anderson, where her previous project using Google image search to re-create the same Eames film was on one side of the Flipbook and mine on the other. Available to Purchase here.
A combined 15,862 letters were used to make five separate Generative Adversarial Network models, one for each letter of the client's name: Runway. This resulted in a Logo that never appears the same twice.
To promote education through scholarships, Rogers's "Generation Possible" campaign, titled "I Might," highlights its role in achieving potential. Media: Strategy
The campaign for Rogers Ignite Entertainment takes a humorous approach to address the problem of spending more time searching for content than actually watching it. The advertisement highlights the product's capability to simplify content discovery and reduce search time for consumers. Media: strategy
This Rogers' Ignite campaign emphasizes the reliability of its internet service, positioning it as a stress reliever during the lockdown. The campaign uses humour and human elements to highlight the importance of dependable internet service. Media: strategy
A campaign to showcase the wide range of entertainment options available on Rogers Ignite TV.
To launch the service that brought all your streaming platforms together, we brought all the best shows together in a series of fun videos.